Support for Learning


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Support for Learning

The college welcomes students from a range of ages, abilities, and backgrounds. We offer targeted support to people who have a range of support for learning requirements. Our Support for Learning team can support students who:

We aim to ensure that each student can participate fully in college life and achieve their potential through the development of a personal learning support plan. In addition to this, we offer support to students who may have an undiagnosed learning need through screening procedures and one-to-one support. If you believe you have an additional learning need, please contact us before applying to discuss the additional support you may require. We also encourage you to provide full details on your application form as this allows us to work with you to ensure your support can be in place at the beginning of your course. The service is confidential and designed to be as supportive and person-centred as possible.


The college welcome students who are care-experienced. The term careexperienced refers to anyone who has been, or is currently in care, or is from a looked-after background. There is no time limit on how long someone has been in care, or to the setting in which they spent time in care.

You may be adopted, have spent time in residential or foster care, lived with family under kinship care or been looked after at home under a supervision order.

Our care-experienced students have an identified member of staff who they can contact if they need help with any academic, social, or emotional support.

The college has a care experienced forum, where we consult with our care-experienced students on developments that can be made in the college to support you.

If you believe you are care-experienced, please contact the college prior to making an application to find out more about the support that is available.