Education Scotland Review
Newbattle Abbey College was reviewed by Education Scotland in November 2015. The review team observed college classes and interviewed staff, students and external stakeholders. The report concluded that “the college is successfully maintaining its role as Scotland’s national adult education residential college while increasingly meeting the needs of its local communities. Newbattle Abbey College has in place effective arrangements to maintain and enhance the quality of its provision and outcomes for learners and other stakeholders.” This is the highest level statement Education Scotland can award to a college when carrying out a review. The report also cited strategic partnerships as an example of excellent practice. The Education Scotland review report was published on 15 January 2016 and is available here.
Newbattle Abbey College received a progress review visit by Education Scotland in January 2022. The review team observed college classes and interviewed staff, students and external stakeholders. The report identified areas of positive progress across the overarching themes linked to the college’s enhancement plan and priorities around COVID-19 recovery: outcomes and impact, leadership and quality culture, curriculum, delivery of learning and services to support learning, learner engagement with the overall outcome reporting satisfactory progress. This is the highest-level statement Education Scotland can award to a college when carrying out a review. Inspectors made particular note of the significant benefit learners experienced in self-esteem, self-worth, and confidence through their attendance at the College. Success rates are high and regularly above annual college sector levels for FE and HE programmes, and progression to university or further study is a key strength. The Education Scotland progress review report was published on 1 March 2022 and is available here.
College Publications
Final Signed Accounts to July 2023
Performance Indicators 2022-23
Public Sector Equality Duty Report 2021 – 2025
Strategic Plan 2023-2026
Equalities Mainstreaming Report
Board of Directors
List of current members
Register of Interests
Scheme of Delegation, 2024
Newbattle Abbey College Code of Conduct, March 2022
Effectiveness Review Report, April 2022
Agenda and Minutes of Board Meetings
Agenda and Minutes of Audit Committee
Agenda and Minutes of Learning and Teaching Committee
Agenda and Minutes of Planning and Resource Committee
Board Development Plan 2017-18
Annual General Meeting 2020