The Tutor’s Story: James

1. Could you explain what the Adult Achievement Award is and what it aims are?

The AAA works with learners in many ways and across a wide range of learning activities. It works equally well with individuals and groups and there is no pressure on candidates to complete assessments within a tight, prescribed timescale. It encourages candidates to review their learning and expand the learning experience through reflective practice.

2. What is your role in delivering the Adult Achievement Awards?

My role is to support the candidate to explore the award, identify appropriate learning activities, and identify key strengths and skills that may be developed through the learning and help to identify future goals. I support learners to remain motivated and focused.

3. Who would you say the Adult Achievement Awards are for and why are they appealing to learners?

I work with people who possess a wide range of educational achievements and often no formal education at all. The Awards fit very well with the range of learning activities we offer and is accessible to everyone regardless of their previous experience of learning. The award is an accredited qualification, learning is relevant and very learner centred. All the context of learning can be different which makes the Awards very adaptable and relevant to what we offer learners.

4. What would you say to anyone interested in the Awards?

I recommend the Awards as they can be taken at your own pace and it fits well with other learning/training activities you may be involved in. Not only does the award give you an accredited qualification, it also helps you learn more about yourself as well as developing new skills. Through participating in the Award, you can review what you are learning, reflect on the impact of the learning and plan for the future.